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Wollongong 02 4227 3505

Published: 1 June 2022


Have you ever received a parking ticket? Have you been at fault in a motor vehicle accident and had to go to court? Have you forgotten to wear your helmet when cycling and received a fine?

Have you ever received a parking ticket? Have you been at fault in a motor vehicle accident and had to go to court? Have you forgotten to wear your helmet when cycling and received a fine?

If you answered yes to just one of these questions you have been exposed to the consequences of not adhering to traffic laws in Australia.

Every day, millions of Australians are out on the roads – motorists, motorcyclists, cyclists, pedestrians, passengers and others. Sticking to the speed limit, wearing a helmet, giving way to pedestrians and adhering to parking time limits are all examples of how traffic law plays an important part in the safety of everyone as they go about their day.

Abiding by traffic law maintains the safety of everyone, reducing accidents and preventing serious injuries. The rules that govern the use of Australian roads are varied and vast, with each state and territory having their own rules and regulations that citizens need to abide by.

Most traffic laws make sense – for example, driving in the right lane if you’re not overtaking another car (if you don’t, fines can reach up to $325 and could cost you two demerit points). However, there are a few that are not always obvious, or even known about. Did you know New South Wales drivers who move more than 3 metres away from their car without locking the doors and windows are liable to be fined? Or that if you’re caught without a bell on your bike, you could face a fine of up to $2,200? They’re both true, we promise!

A full list of the penalties that apply for breaking the law on NSW roads is available on the NSW Government website. Some road rules are simply hard to follow – check out this simple guide to the most misunderstood road rules in New South Wales

While traffic law may be seen as less exciting than other areas of law to the outside world, thanks in a small part to TV shows and movies who glamourise other areas  such as  criminal law, traffic law can be filled with complexities and can have a huge impact on your life. A parking ticket is usually straightforward, but car accidents and speeding offences can become complex and may lead to a court appearance and a loss of your driver’s licence. This can then have a massive impact on other areas of life, including employment.

That’s why, if you have been charged by police with a traffic offence and need to go to court, it’s critical to have an expert traffic lawyer to help you understand your rights in appealing decisions and making applications to Court. The consequences for traffic offences can include fines, licence suspensions and in some cases, imprisonment.

Morrisons – Criminal and Traffic Law Specialists is a team of traffic law experts located in Wollongong and the Southern Highlands. We provide expert advice and representation for a vast range of traffic-related offences and appeals against decisions of the State Debt Recovery Office and Transport NSW (formerly the Roads and Maritime Service). We specialise in traffic law, so you can be sure you’re in safe hands. Find out more about how we can help you. Your first appointment is free and we provide affordable representation to all of our clients.

Contact us today

We are the only private law firm in the Illawarra, Southern Highlands and South Coast regions with two lawyers recognised as Accredited Specialists in Criminal Law by the NSW Law Society.